"Stalked by sadness" - and yet...
Nancy Quigley writes: In these times of wars, horrendous earthquakes, gun violence, political division and mental health challenges, it’s sometimes good to find a word of encouragement. Recently, I read an article written by Peter Baker about Michael Gerson.*
It is a good article, describing a complicated person with an eloquent Republican voice, who longed for “compassionate conservatism”, advancing liberal goals with conservative means. Gerson, who died recently, struggled with depression. In 2019, he preached a sermon in which he said he was “stalked by sadness.”
But he went on to say the following, which helped me remember once again what is essential. “Many, understandably, pray for a strength they do not posses. But God’s promise is somewhat different: That even when strength fails, there is perseverance. And even when perseverance fails, there is hope. And even when hope fails, there is love. And love never fails.”
* The article was in the New York Times on 2/11/23, written by Peter Baker, as part of the Washington Memo.
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