
Showing posts from September, 2023

"You are not you when you are hungry"

During Sunday's sermon, Rev. Travis referenced a classic commercial for Snickers, starring Betty White as a football player, or at least football player who "playing like Betty White." The ad, which is often mentioned as often of the most memorable ever made, ends with the tagline, "You are not you when you are hungry." The point - the astute theological point - that Travis was making was the Israelites wandering in exile, and lashing out at Moses, are collectively what we might now call "hangry" - grouchy, uncooperative, not their best selves. Perhaps Moses ought to have shown them this video to remind them that "you are not you when you are hungry." Here is a video of the ad, which you may not have thought about in years: You are not you when you are hungry

Paying Attention

Mike Willock writes: In a recent worship service, Pastor Travis challenged us to pay attention. He preached on the story of Moses, who first saw and turned aside from tending his sheep to approach the burning bush out of curiosity and then he met God there. In this modern era, with all the dings and screen prompts and calendar reminders competing for attention, we can easily miss or even dis miss signs of God’s presence in our lives.   I thought back more than 20 years to a Todd Hall workshop led by Rev. Belden Lane. He occasionally sat in the east transept at Second on a Sunday morning. Belden had us spend the hour after lunch looking for signs of God in nature. I found the first one close to the dining hall – a spray of flowers blooming in a decaying tree stump. Wandering farther afield, I only heard, but never saw, a deer moving through the brush a stone’s throw from the road. Two down, one to go, so I kept going farther on. Finally, walking back to the conference center along th


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