It's Better to Give Than to Receive

Vickie Robinson (formerly 2PC's office administrator) writes: Since the Thanksgiving Holiday is over, my focus has now shifted to the excitement and joys of the upcoming Christmas and New Year's Holidays. My mind is forever filled with those who are not so fortunate, who cannot enjoy either holidays or life in general. During the pandemic, I was blessed with my position at 2PC and the ability to work from home during those uncertain times, when so many people were getting sick, dying, losing their jobs, and their homes. Neither my finances nor my life was interrupted. Being given such an opportunity made me realize how blessed and fortunate I was, and still am.

Due to this appreciation, I was able to donate to the Good Ground Food Pantry to provide a family with a holiday meal and other necessities. When I was a child, I often heard the saying, "It's better to give than to receive." I didn't realize how profoundly that saying would impact my life until I gave to GGP. 

Let us all take this opportunity to think about how God has brought us through the past few years as we celebrate this holiday season. God did this so that we could be a testimony to those who are lost and without faith during this time when so many are experiencing loneliness, depression, and many other issues.  In the same way that we are eager to see the Christmas tree lights and decorations for the first time after waiting all year, let us be that light for those in need, and ensure that light remains on far beyond the holiday season.


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