Glad Tidings from Hawaii

Barbara Bowyer writes: Many of you have probably never heard of my favorite Christmas song, Nū ʻoli, which translates from the Hawaiian language to Glad Tidings. I first heard it when I was living in Hawaii and it has been a Christmas standard for me ever since. The artists are the Brothers Cazimero, beloved and well known through the islands. Their harmonies are beautiful and whenever I play it, I can’t help but feel a smile in my heart. The chorus is especially uplifting, even if you don’t understand the Hawaiian language.

 I’ve included a link in case you want to hear it for yourself. The original Hawaiian lyrics and the English translation are provided below.

Nū ʻoli! Nū ʻoli!
He nū kamahaʻo!
He nū no ke ola mai luna mai nō
No kānaka nui, no kamaliʻi nei
A ʻoi ka nani i ke gula aʻiaʻi 

Nū ʻoli! Nū ʻoli! 
Nū kamahaʻo, kamahaʻo, kamahaʻo ē! 
Nū ʻoli! nū ʻoli! 
He nū no ke ola e hau'oli ē!

Nū ʻoli! Nū ʻoli!
Ua pili ia nū 
I ka poʻe ʻilihune, ka poʻe luʻuluʻu 
Neʻe mai a paulele hahai iā Iesū 
A pau nō ka hune a maha ʻoukou

Nū ʻoli! Nū ʻoli!
Hauʻoli ʻoukou 
Ka poʻe akahai a haʻahaʻa ka naʻau 
Na Iesū e kala a hoʻohānau hou 
A kaʻi mai nei aʻe i ka nani ma ʻō

Glad tidings! Glad tidings!
What wonderful news!

Such news of salvation from above
For great men and for little children, too
More glorious than brilliant and shining gold

Glad tidings! Glad tidings!  
News so wonderful, astonishing, remarkable too  
Glad tidings! Glad tidings!  
Such news of salvation, 'tis happiness and joy!  

Glad tidings! Glad tidings!
Clinging to the news
Are the poor and the sorrowful in burdensome straits  
Push ahead in faith and follow Jesus  
All you who are poor and burdened too

Glad tidings! Glad tidings!
Happy are you
Those who are meek and humble too  
'Tis Jesus who frees us and gives us new life  
And on to the glory by Him we are led 


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