Tickets, speed limits and prayer life

Vickie Robinson writes: As I drove into work last week, I could see the driver behind me moving from one lane to the next.  Apparently, my driving speed and the other drivers wasn’t fast enough for her. As she tried on many occasions to intimidate me into driving faster, I continued to drive the speed limit. After about a mile, the driver quickly came around me, she failed to see the policeman that was sitting in a blind spot. He pulled her over without hesitation.

As I looked at this young lady and I thought about the mistakes she had made, not only was she driving recklessly, she also could have hit someone who was getting ready to cross the street. As I witnessed this, I thought about my personal and spiritual life.

As the young lady was so eager to speed, it reminded me of how quickly I was with making decisions without waiting on God to answer my prayers. This always resulted in me, so to speak, getting pulled over. If only I had just taken my time and listened to Him, not only would my prayers have been answered, there would also be no ticket involved.


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