Mending Wall

Mike Willock writes: “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall” begins Robert Frost’s 1914 poem “Mending Wall.” In front of Second Church is such a wall. Built of massive white limestone blocks that match the sanctuary construction, it rises near the Westminster Place sidewalk to enclose the plaza in front of the sanctuary entrance. It was part of the original 1899-1900 construction. You can see it in the 1906 photo below. But, as Frost explains, water and winter frost are not friends to a wall. When I joined the session in 2007, I took the picture below, looking west along Westminster Place. You can see that parts of the wall near Niccolls Hall were leaning toward the sidewalk and threatening collapse. Over the years, rain and snow collected on the plaza, seeped through the plaza stones and saturated and softened the foundation of the wall. Then, hard winter freezes did their work, turning water in the foundation to ice, moving and tilting the wa...