Let the Earth Breathe

Ellie Stock writes: I wanted to share with you a project that my daughter, Chenoa (who is a PCUSA Mission Co-worker in Peru), and I have been working on...

Below is a link to a song video "Let the Earth Breathe".  Some background: After Carleton, and I "retired" from Northminster Presbyterian Church in Dellwood in 2011, we decided we wanted to focus our ministry on addressing the environment from the Universe Story perspective (humanity's common perspective). In 2012 we decided to host a winter/spring environmental film series in Ferguson to start our effort, which included showing "Journey of the Universe." The last program in May was not a film but the "Awakening the Dreamer" Symposium. For that event, I wrote the song "Let the Earth Breathe." Out of that event came a core of people who were interested in pursuing environmental issues and eventually became the Ferguson Eco Team which is still active and hosting environmental films.

Later that year Chenoa and I made an audio recording of our singing the song together (not professional — mainly just to have a record of it) and was later included as part of the Ecumenical Season of Creation resource curriculum (seasonofcreation.org). Over the years as we have experienced the intersectionality of issues related to the environment, racism, pandemic, economic/social disparities, the song has taken on additional levels of meaning. In 2020 Chenoa and I started working on photos that could accompany it.  We finished that a few weeks ago.  

Click below to hear it.


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