Carol of the bells - literally

Marjie Smith shared this mighty impressive video of her daughter Carol Houghton performing the Carol of the Bells. It combines eight different tracks to create this virtuosic performance.

Carol - along with Marjie’s other children, Sue, Sally, Kenneth III, Nancy, Joanne, and Patricia – grew up in Second Pres. Marjie notes that Carol was an accompanist of 2PC’s children's choir when Dianne Ladendecker was the director. She is a graduate of Westminster Choir College where she was a member of the famed Bell Choir directed by Allured (composer and arranger).  She works as a librarian at Princeton University and Director of Music at Ewing Covenant Presbyterian Church where she is choir and handbell director and organist. 

Carol lives in Titusville, NJ, with her husband Eric Houghton, who teaches piano at Westminster Conservatory and is Director of Music at a Lutheran church near where they live. Eric is a well-known composer whose works include The Victory Songs performed at our church, The Passion Songs performed at Christ Church Cathedral, and Pioneer Songs at the Sheldon.

Click here to see the video. 


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