God wrestling

Tim Woodcock writes: At the weekend we attended a (virtual) Bat Mitzvah for our niece. One of the many fascinating parts of the service was when the rabbi addressed the congregation as “God wrestlers.”

What an intriguing phrase! It sent me down a rabbit hole of research that I’m not going to recount here. But wouldn’t it be interesting if Christian congregations started using that phrase, too?


  1. My uncle Robert Hoyer wrote a book called Jabbok, the name of the place where Jacob wrestled with God. In it he recounts, as he imagines, the events of that fateful night, as experienced by Jacob, his wives, some of his children, and various others in Jacob's household. A fine book, if I do say so myself, and thought provoking.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I love that phrase too. I'm curious to hear more about what it conjures in you both. I am drawn to the image of God as One we grapple with. There's an active dimension to "wrestle" that appeals to me. - Rev. Travis


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