Tend something living

Barbara Bowyer writes: I recently purchased a small hibiscus tree at a local store. Of course, one can’t simply purchase a tree; it needed a larger pot and more potting soil. Another trip to the store, supplies purchased, and replanting accomplished. It now sits on my deck and will regularly produce beautiful flowers if I tend to it. Which leads me to why I bought it in the first place. I recently happened upon a daily selfcare checklist that, among other things, suggested I should “Tend something living / growing”. I was pretty certain that wasn’t referring to the wee bit of mold on my blackberries (note to self: blackberries have a relatively short shelf life after purchase so eat them when you get them). I have since printed and placed the list on my refrigerator to remind me of daily practices that are useful as we continue to mark the days of self-isolation.

Here's the list; feel free to use / share as you desire.

I take no credit for the original list; a quick Google search will return this and similar lists. I did add two items: get dressed and make your bed. While it’s certainly nice to lounge around in pajamas all day, getting dressed every day is self-care. It can improve your mood, boost your self-confidence, and improve your ability to focus and perform tasks. As for making your bed? Well, I learned that from Admiral William McRaven, who wrote, ““If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another… Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.” You matter.


  1. I love this list! Thank you for sharing your reflection, Barbara. It has been life-giving to tend our little raised garden at our house.


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