Bani Adam

Tim Woodcock writes: This poem was recently passed around at the school where I work. I don’t know anything much about the poet, Saadi Shiraz, other than he’s a very big deal in the Persian tradition. As the note that accompanied the poem when I first encountered it earlier in the week said, the metaphor of “the limbs of one body” applies especially well during this time of a global pandemic. 

Bani Adam

The children of Adam are limbs of one body
That in creation are made of one essence.
When life and time hurt a limb,
Other limbs will not be at ease.
You who are not sad for the suffering of others,
Do not deserve to be called human.

by Saadi Shiraz, 1258
translated from Arabic



  1. Thanks for sharing this, Tim.

    In sacred solidarity with you and all suffering right now. - Travis


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