Table Talk

During Sunday's service, which held outdoors at Tower Grove Park, the theme was tables - a rich image if ever there was one - and as part of the service we read a poem by 2nd Pres member Ellie Stock (written in 2008). It's an expansive poem that explores that literal and metaphorical tables in our lives, held together with the refrain, "Here at the table - the table of our lives." Rather than a sermon, what followed was a series of fascinating discussions in small groups (seated at wooden tables around the edge of one of the pavilions in the park) about how tables appear in our lives and various meanings we give them. If you were part of the discussion, and have an observation or insight that you'd like to share - or if you seeing this poem, for the first time and any lines or images strike a chord with you - please drop me a line at timwoodcock AT I will gather these together in a follow-up blog post. Here at the table -- the table of our lives -...