The Wonder of Widgets - an exploration of Working Genius

Tim Woodcock writes: At recent church retreat for session members, we explored in depth the Working Genius model, which previously been presented to us by Travis. It is partly a personality test and partly a tool for analyzing productivity, developed by Patrick Lencioni, a consultant for businesses and non-profits. If you’ve taken a Myers-Briggs test or something comparable before, the gist of the questionnaire would not be unfamiliar to you, but its focus is primarily on how people approach complex tasks and work in groups. Patrick Lencioni I was, to be frank, a little dubious to start with: it sounded like voguish corporate speak, a needlessly novel set of labels for a familiar set of concepts. The use of the boastful-sounding word “genius” rubbed me the wrong way initially and still does a little. Nonetheless, each session member plus Travis took the assessment prior to the retreat and when we discussed our questionnaire results as a group, almost everyone said it captured somethi...