Reflections from "the dear green place"

Tim Woodcock writes: As the dust settles on the recent COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, it is clear that this was not landmark event that many where hoping for. The Glasgow Climate Pact nudged humanity in the right direction, but it’s hard to characterize it as anything other than “too little, too late.” Sadly the talks in Glasgow will not earn the city a place in the history books as the location of game-changing agreements, as Rio and Paris had before it. I have a special affection for Glasgow, nicknamed “the dear green place,” having lived there for six years (studying at the University of Glasgow for four years and then living there a couple of years beyond that; it’s where I met my wife; and we still have a number of friends either in the city or nearby). Beyond our academic classes, the circles that Katy and I moved in involved university chaplaincy groups, the Quaker meeting, and various activist groups, and recently I spent an enjoyable evening trawling through the news cove...